Sunday, September 11, 2005

She claims she TOLD her family ..

.. NOT to call. She thinks that may make us spare her. Allright, my roommates waking me up at around nine in the morning and then again at around 12 is .. I guess .. unavoidable. But Phèdre's father, sister and aunt calling at 12, 4 and 4:30pm respectively to say "hi" wrecking perfectly good dreams of mine in two out of three somehow makes me wonder about Phèdre's ability to convey a simple, short message like "don't call" in those endless conversations she has with her family. Or the message "I won't be here anyway and one of the guys will be picking up the phone".

You may now be inclined to say "what the hell is he ranting about, 12pm and 4pm on a Sunday are perfectly appropriate times to call". Let me try and illustrate. Our shift starts at 11pm, so 12noon today, for example, is 11 hours before that and 19-20 hours before the end of our shift. If we were still on late shifts, that would correspond to 4am for us. Or take calling at 4pm when we're on nights like it happened twice today. That's like calling at midnight when we have to work the early shift at 7am, like Phèdre. Would you want to wake Phèdre at midnight to say "hi"? Would you? No? So just us?

What makes it worse is that skriehma, who as far as I know was also woken up, actually seemed friendly on the phone. If for some reason I do have to answer that phone because he doesn't, do not expect the same from me. If you are so unlucky as to get me on the phone in the middle of "our" biological nighttime, expect a moment of silence while I take the phone to the bathroom in order not to wake skriehma if possible (because I do care), then some cussing and yelling for a few minutes and a loud crack when the phone hits the ground after being tossed from the third floor.

Phèdre still maintains "but I told them not to call!" - the mere possibility that she may be telling the truth is what keeps me from calling her from the hospital in thirty-minute intervals starting around our biological lunchtime, say, 2am.

That means we will have to find out the phone numbers of Phèdre's family and start giving them a ring at "impossible" times.

Hugh, I spoke. Now gimme breakfast before I get cranky.


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