Monday, June 20, 2005

Lately, in #halloalzey ..

12:13:44 < Iccy> oh man
12:14:48 < Iccy> if on a CAT scan we have established we see parts of the liver and of the lungs at the same time - how can you raise the question "oh, so the diaphragm isn't on this image, is it?"
12:15:02 < Iccy> some real brainiacs in my class
12:15:07 < Iccy> especially this Graf guy
12:15:25 < Iccy> he has a history of excelling at insanely brainless questions
16:00:52 < skriehma> graf?
20:36:00 < skriehma> still owe me some gossip about "graf" (name, heritage, insult?
20:36:02 < skriehma> )
20:36:43 < Iccy> Graf = name
20:36:47 < Iccy> dunno last name
20:37:03 < Iccy> heritage .. no idea .. not sure where people that look like him come from
20:37:12 < Iccy> not germany anyway
20:37:28 < Iccy> what do you mean by insult though?
20:37:53 < skriehma> i thought graf like nobility
20:38:16 < skriehma> well...insulting "verarmter landgraf" and therelike
20:38:19 < Iccy> no Graf like first name (not that I heard that before ..)
20:38:48 < Iccy> I won't honor him by thinking of a designation for him ..
20:39:55 < skriehma> emm....well....he didnt do modul 1 with us....
20:40:05 < Iccy> figures
20:40:08 < skriehma> at least his name dos not surface in the list
20:40:23 < Iccy> I can see if I get a glimpse at his last name
20:40:29 < Iccy> in the days to come
20:40:34 < skriehma> curious as i am
20:40:45 < skriehma> but hes so bad?
20:41:06 < skriehma> btw...what speciality do you have atm?
20:41:50 < Iccy> radiology
20:41:57 < Iccy> he really, really sucks.
20:42:01 < skriehma> ahh...i could have known
20:42:24 < Iccy> whatever he asks, he manages to display the greatest amount of ignorance possible in the few words he uses.
20:43:06 < skriehma> great guy it sounds like
20:43:08 < skriehma> ;)
20:43:25 < Iccy> his designations of organs usually being "thingy" and "that there", precluding any clues to what he actually things those organs might be for
20:43:28 < skriehma> but i guess every group has one of that kind in it
20:43:34 < Iccy> things=thinks
20:43:37 < Iccy> interesting typo
20:43:56 < Iccy> I guess only talking about him makes me go to his level
20:44:06 < skriehma> lol
20:44:13 < Iccy> he's their role-model I'm sure
20:44:15 < skriehma> his greatest weapon
20:44:21 < skriehma> hehe
20:44:23 < Iccy> the prototype all idiots are carved from
20:44:24 < skriehma> i doubt it
20:44:39 < Iccy> do you really
20:44:43 < skriehma> i want to remind you of m***** b********
20:44:46 < Iccy> you should have seen this guy in action in the notfallkurs
20:44:55 < skriehma> you too
20:45:08 < Iccy> I'm so afraid
20:45:14 < skriehma> hell yeah...lets put them in the ring together and bet on it
20:45:26 < Iccy> what are these people doing to the reputation of our profession
20:45:35 < skriehma> "idiots deathmatch" sort of
20:45:41 < Iccy> lol
20:45:47 < skriehma> dont worry...
20:46:05 < Iccy> if one of them gets reanimationspflichtig it'll get ugly
20:46:07 < Iccy> very ugly
20:46:23 < skriehma> being a physician is still ranked #1 in the list of social prestige
20:46:38 < Iccy> phew
20:46:50 < Iccy> guess we'll have to get rid of those two somehow though
20:47:06 < Iccy> they alone will be able to make that rating plummet to a miserable low
20:47:11 < skriehma> hehe
20:47:19 < Iccy> and I think we should post this discussion on the blog ;)
20:47:34 < skriehma> so you wanna do something for the benefit of whole germany...hell....the whole world?
20:47:42 < Iccy> like what?
20:47:48 < skriehma> i dont know
20:47:53 < skriehma> dont wanna say it
20:48:03 < Iccy> chicken :)
20:48:08 < Iccy> you mean kill the bastards
20:48:10 < Iccy> off them
20:48:22 < Iccy> make em dead
20:48:39 < Iccy> give em toetags
20:48:51 < skriehma> maybe it will be interpreted as conspiracy to commit a crime
20:48:52 < Iccy> OD on the potassium
20:49:05 < Iccy> what crime
20:49:13 < Iccy> benefit of the whole world, remember
20:49:13 * skriehma waves at the US-homeland security guys reading this
20:49:23 * Iccy waves at Stoiber
20:49:27 < Iccy> say hi to angela
20:49:28 < skriehma> like preemtive strike?
20:49:51 < Iccy> like first, one and only good deed if ever
15:07:11 < skriehma> hmm....dont you have to do a lot of nitpicking with nip/tuck?
15:38:17 < Iccy> nitpicking nip/tuck is like correcting Graf .. futile, boring and you might as well try to talk someone out of smoking
note: names altered so we don't get our heads blown off at uni


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