Long day.
Very long, but mostly good, even though it was off to a bad start with the relative-istic terrorist attacks this morning. They picked the right date for it anyway.
That is also why, after I punished Phèdre by making her run with me up the Hudson River to 70th, over to Central Park and down 8th Ave, we went to see these puppies
close up.
And since that wasn't enough, we boarded this old lady again
and enjoyed the b-e-a-uuuutiful skyline of Manhattan plus the Ground Zero lights at night,
that we all of course threw ourselves in front of.

After these pleasurable ferry trips to and from Staten Island, skriehma and I walked to Bowling Green, where we took a Bronx-bound subway to the Hub in the south tip of the Bronx, raided a McD and had our fast food on the bus trip to the hospital.
The night shift was not quite as busy as Dr. G. had led us to believe. I did start out the shift with a rectal and a foley that I cannot talk any more about since the record is probably already under legal scrutiny. Before I knew any of that I did start stitching a young guy up that I actually ignore the mechanism of injury of. He was apparently a bit younger than me and had some serious AOB going on. And he had a lot of lacerations. I mean a lot. I put 47 stitches into him. 23 on his shoulder, 6 on his chest and 18 on the chin. Including local anesthesia, irrigation and the occasional altercation to make the guy hold still it took me about three hours to suture him, skriehma tells me.
After our shift we trodded down to the cafeteria where we - surprise, surprise - met Phedre. She was still there when we left, not sure if by now, 10:51am, her BREAKfast is over. I do know that skriehma is sleeping in bed over there .. again .. so I'll see if I can do the same after a long, long day. Oh and I'll unplug the phone. Just in case.
That is also why, after I punished Phèdre by making her run with me up the Hudson River to 70th, over to Central Park and down 8th Ave, we went to see these puppies

After these pleasurable ferry trips to and from Staten Island, skriehma and I walked to Bowling Green, where we took a Bronx-bound subway to the Hub in the south tip of the Bronx, raided a McD and had our fast food on the bus trip to the hospital.
The night shift was not quite as busy as Dr. G. had led us to believe. I did start out the shift with a rectal and a foley that I cannot talk any more about since the record is probably already under legal scrutiny. Before I knew any of that I did start stitching a young guy up that I actually ignore the mechanism of injury of. He was apparently a bit younger than me and had some serious AOB going on. And he had a lot of lacerations. I mean a lot. I put 47 stitches into him. 23 on his shoulder, 6 on his chest and 18 on the chin. Including local anesthesia, irrigation and the occasional altercation to make the guy hold still it took me about three hours to suture him, skriehma tells me.
After our shift we trodded down to the cafeteria where we - surprise, surprise - met Phedre. She was still there when we left, not sure if by now, 10:51am, her BREAKfast is over. I do know that skriehma is sleeping in bed over there .. again .. so I'll see if I can do the same after a long, long day. Oh and I'll unplug the phone. Just in case.
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