It was a good thing we had a little practice with this game at home and even got most of the funny business with the blinds, buy-in and stack-up figured out before we went to Dr. C.'s place to play for real money tonight. Dr. C.'s place, complete with revolving doors, doorman and the works, is on the 19th floor on the East Side of Manhattan. We were 8 ER residents, one girlfriend, skriehma and myself so we divided ourselves up into two tables of 6 and 5. The buy-in was $20, which you got $2000 worth of chips for. During the first hour you could re-buy twice if you were out of chips to a maximum of $60 in the first hour. After that you could stack up with $10 if you wanted.
(I had to pixelize the faces of the residents since I have no clue if they'd allow me to show their pictures on the net.)
Skriehma ran through his first stack of money rather quickly, so he re-bought himself in and - look at that - started winning some money.
During the intermission, both skriehma and I had more money in chips than we paid for, did not have to buy more for the final knock-out rounds. Only the top three players of the night would be walking out winning any money, 50%, 30% and 20% of the chips bought.
I went all-in and left the table when there were five people left, here's the winning trio.
Our host Dr. C., the one on the left, eventually won after being 3:1 behind in the chip count and collected 50% of the chip worth, $175. While those guys were still playing, losers' lounge was on Dr. C.'s balcony, which, being on the 19th floor, had its amenities.
Also, while those guys at the expensive table were still battling it out, we opened a second round with a $10 buy-in that I left rather quickly after just a few minutes by trusting too much in my two-pair of aces and tens when the other guy had a set of measly fives that won my all-in.
So after me losing - or let's rather say - spending 30 and skriehma 50 bucks in this nice poker night (we *have* to organize these back in Munich), I tried making some more pictures of 42nd Street.
I played around a bit deactivating the automatics on the cam and choosing shutter and exposure times myself.
After a few tries,
I'm rather pleased with the result.
So we went and I tried some more on Times Square.

And who would have thought - as I was writing this, the second mouse reared her head again and this time I didn't flinch so we have a fifth member of newyorkblog! As per skriehma's suggestion: Greg (since I'm rather sure it's a he). And right after he joined Michelle in the coffee pot, guess what happened. A third mouse ran across the kitchen.

Needless to say, if we catch the third mouse or if Greg and Michelle really are what I take them for (and if they were both males there'd most likely be blood in the pot by now unless they're brothers) we will need to buy a cage.
Oops. Spoke too soon. We just caught the third. Enter Del, short for Delvon. Now aren't they just peachy.
We did give them the trash can as a new home, coffee pot is definitely not enough for three.

Skriehma ran through his first stack of money rather quickly, so he re-bought himself in and - look at that - started winning some money.

And who would have thought - as I was writing this, the second mouse reared her head again and this time I didn't flinch so we have a fifth member of newyorkblog! As per skriehma's suggestion: Greg (since I'm rather sure it's a he). And right after he joined Michelle in the coffee pot, guess what happened. A third mouse ran across the kitchen.

Oops. Spoke too soon. We just caught the third. Enter Del, short for Delvon. Now aren't they just peachy.

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