Almost Empire State, football, Ground Zero and lotsa groceries
Cozy 96 degrees outside today. The first plan, like skriehma said, was to go
up there:

but as he also already pointed out, the line was way too long.
So we skipped right to the second point on today's list: throwing my new football in Central Park. In order to get there, and because we overshot our metro stop by two stations, we walked through parts of Harlem.

Two white boys and a gal walking through Harlem .. we did make it fine though.
After some nice throwing in the park and after Phèdre had wrecked her sandals running with the ball,

we decided to visit Ground Zero.

The place looked quite like you'd expect I'd say. There was a fence all around it, with a few panels showing again what happened on September 11th and of course the obligatory list of fallen "Heroes".

Other than that, at least to me it didn't seem like they had done any extensive re-building these past four years.

We then went on further south

to pass through a few more sights

and eventually hit the sea again, at the southern tip of Manhattan.

On our way through this place

we noticed an abandoned baby stroller. Interestingly it was still there about 15 minutes later, when we came back. Despite the sign almost right next to it saying "Any items left unattended will be removed".

Oh well. After stumbling upon another interesting sign that may be fatal for motorists to miss

we took the metro back home, this time using the exit a few meters from our home that we had only recently discovered. Seeing what the entrance looks like from either side though, I think it becomes imaginable how we could miss it.

Right after that we went grocery shopping and spent almost a hundred bucks, which we rewarded ourselves for with our first "real" meal.

So much for today, that's all folks!

up there:

but as he also already pointed out, the line was way too long.
So we skipped right to the second point on today's list: throwing my new football in Central Park. In order to get there, and because we overshot our metro stop by two stations, we walked through parts of Harlem.

Two white boys and a gal walking through Harlem .. we did make it fine though.
After some nice throwing in the park and after Phèdre had wrecked her sandals running with the ball,

we decided to visit Ground Zero.

The place looked quite like you'd expect I'd say. There was a fence all around it, with a few panels showing again what happened on September 11th and of course the obligatory list of fallen "Heroes".

Other than that, at least to me it didn't seem like they had done any extensive re-building these past four years.

We then went on further south

to pass through a few more sights

and eventually hit the sea again, at the southern tip of Manhattan.

On our way through this place

we noticed an abandoned baby stroller. Interestingly it was still there about 15 minutes later, when we came back. Despite the sign almost right next to it saying "Any items left unattended will be removed".

Oh well. After stumbling upon another interesting sign that may be fatal for motorists to miss

we took the metro back home, this time using the exit a few meters from our home that we had only recently discovered. Seeing what the entrance looks like from either side though, I think it becomes imaginable how we could miss it.

Right after that we went grocery shopping and spent almost a hundred bucks, which we rewarded ourselves for with our first "real" meal.

So much for today, that's all folks!
Phèdre, atteinte d'un mal qu'elle s'obstine à taire,
Lasse enfin d'elle-même et du jour qui l'éclaire,
Peut-elle contre vous former quelques desseins?
Je crois que cette question s'adresse définitivement à ton compagnon le plus anglophone, vu qu'il obstrue (comme dirait Achille Talon) votre pauvre blog de manière chronique...
Bon, je suis très contente que tu sois bien arrivée (le truc du triband, je te l'avais dit, pourtant ;-) et je vais regarder votre blog souvent, vu que il est super (vous mettez des images chaque jour, c'est super!).
Contrairement à ton compagnon anglophone, je n'aime pas partager les plus infimes détails de ma vie avec la web-community (même si personne que je connais lit votre blog...;-(. Donc, si tu veux savoir quoi que ce soit de privé, il faudra que tu lises ton email account, je suis navrée...
Bon je vous souhaite un bon début de travail à l'hôpital, et pensez à acheter des tickets Carnegie Hall pour étudiants, ils ne coutent que 10 bucks...
Grosses bises
La dernière ligne du poême:
Elle essaye de son mieux mais elle n'a pas les moyens.
Bonjour chère inconnue, malgré tout je ne cesserai jamais d'obstruer ce blog .. en fait, ça me fait plaisir. De plus .. regarde de plus près qui c'est qui ajoute ces images dont tu te rejouis ainsi .. une astuce .. c'est le même mec qui les a faits, donc il n'est presque jamais sur les photos.
Phèdre n'a pas encore lu ses e-mails, donc je te salue comme inconnue que tu es .. à+
Effectivement Iccy, tes qualités francophones sont excellentes, presque autant que tes exploits en matière photographique...Encore une suggestion, si vous voulez connaître le côté sympa des African American (n'oublions pas que ce sont des êtres humains comme vous et moi) essayez de visiter une messe à la Abyssinian Baptist Church, c'est la plus ancienne paroisse Gospel de Harlem. Ca fait un peu touriste d'aller comme ca à un service dominical, mais dans ce cas exceptionnel je vous conseille de faire une exception.
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